Our achievements
About the foundation
As a recent graduate of Prague's Nad Kavalírkou Gymnasium, I entered the University of Oxford in 2011 to study a four-year Master's degree in Physics and Philosophy. I particularly appreciate the superbly managed overlap between the two disciplines: elsewhere I probably would not have learned how best to understand famous quantum puzzles such as Schrödinger's cat or Bell's inequalities, nor what they say about the nature of our universe at its deepest level. During my studies, my interest in theoretical and mathematical physics was strengthened. I decided to complete my education in this field at the University of Cambridge, where, thanks to the Martina and Tomáš Krsek Foundation, I am currently studying quantum fields, string theory, and black holes as part of one of the world's most famous graduate programs, the Mathematical Tripos. I plan to pursue a PhD and establish myself in academia. In my spare time, I like to think about society, social dynamics and world and Czech politics, and often philosophy of science. I learn to cook healthy, fast and meatless and make excellent coffee.