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Time is running out for future high school seniors to make the crucial decision of where to go after high school. If they are already thinking about the prospect of studying abroad in high school, there is one more question to ask besides passing the tough entrance exams: Who will pay for it?
The Prague Finance Institute is launching the first year of its scholarship programme for young and promising Czech men and women. The idea has attracted big names from among donors and the first student will go to the London School of Economics thanks to their support of CZK 1.1 million.
Mention of the Krsek Foundation Endowment Fund in the programme Breakfast with Nova
They routinely meet Nobel Prize winners in the corridors and are lectured by the world's greatest minds. Czech students who want the best possible education and have the means to do so are heading to the world's top universities. Around 700 Czechs a year study in the US alone. S The best ones are helped with funding by wealthy patrons or government scholarships.
3. 12. 2014, Prague - Around CZK 2 million will be donated to scholarships this year by the Krsek Foundation, endowment fund. The support is intended for students of the most prestigious schools, such as Cambridge, Harvard, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) or Columbia University. Students can get a first-class education and apply their experience at home in the Czech Republic.
17.2.2013 ceskatelevize.cz With the end of February, the deadline for university applications is approaching and high school students are facing the relatively luxurious dilemma of where to go next. The horizon doesn't have to be limited to domestic schools. It is the dream of many young Czechs to study at a prestigious foreign university. However, the fact that such studies cost a huge amount of money is a major obstacle for most of them on their way to an elite education. As a rule, it is not possible to get into a selective school without money, but there are many ways to get it.
23.3.2012 Hospodářské noviny Kellner, Bakala, Babiš, Krsek and Janeček. According to experts, these five wealthy Czech businessmen can be described as active philanthropists in the Czech environment.
30.11.2011 Deník - Young people can become students without borders and apply to any foreign university. The problem is that such studies are very expensive. But there is a solution - patronage.
August 2011 HRM - Škoda Plzeň has had many years of radical changes associated with changes in ownership, reduction of staff, reorganization into subsidiaries or integration with other companies.
20.6.2011 Euro - Entrepreneur Tomáš Krsek awarded the first scholarship. The Krsek Foundation Endowment Fund, established this spring, has donated fifteen thousand pounds to Maria Petrovická, a student at Charles University, to cover half of her tuition fees at the prestigious Oxford University in financial economics.
13.6.2011 MFD - Ten young people will get the opportunity to study postgraduate studies at ten of the world's top universities.
8.6.2011 hr-server.cz - Marie Petrovická considered studying abroad in her third year of university. She was interested in the Financial Economics course offered by Oxford.
1.4.2011 aktualne.cz - The news appeared at the end of February: every year, ten young people will have the opportunity to study postgraduate studies at ten of the world's best universities thanks to annual scholarships to be awarded by the Krsek Foundation Endowment Fund.
14.3.2011 Metro - Czechs do not have to study abroad only in European study programmes. The fund will also support them. Boasting a degree from foreign universities such as Oxford, Cmabridge, Princeton and seven others may no longer be a pipe dream for Czech students.
9.3.2011 novinky.cz - Ten young people will have the opportunity to complete postgraduate studies at ten of the world's best universities.
March 2011 CSR Forum - The news appeared at the end of February: every year, ten young people will have the opportunity to study postgraduate studies at ten of the world's best universities thanks to annual scholarships to be awarded by the Krsek Foundation endowment fund.
2.3.2011 Týdeník školství - Every year, ten students will have the opportunity to study postgraduate studies at ten of the world's best universities.
23.2.2011 Lidové noviny - College students with excellent results who would like to study at prestigious world universities can apply for a grant from the private foundation of entrepreneur Tomáš Krsek and his wife.
22.2.2011 hr-server.cz - Krsek Foundation, Endowment Fund was established to support students of engineering, political science, economics, natural sciences and history.
For the first time this year, the Krsek Foundation, endowment fund has offered scholarships to ten young Czechs who will be accepted for postgraduate studies at one of the ten most prestigious and top-ranked universities in the world. Tomáš Krsek is today a co-owner of Škoda Transportation, he started at his parent company Škoda in 1995 after studying at the University of West Bohemia.
Studying at top universities abroad is a financially challenging affair, not least because of the high tuition fees at these institutions. However, there are ways to finance these major expenses even if you don't have enough money of your own. The Krsek Foundation, endowment fund is one such way.